Nice walking course along Izumi river

I have found nice walking course along Izumi river. Flower of Seya-ward is hydrangea. In 2 weeks, we will be able to beautiful flowers along the river.

Near Oogamihashi 

 Higashiyama Fureai Jurin 東山ふれあい樹林


Naka bridge 中橋
Near Sekigahara no mizube

Walking event with Seya Miryoku walking supporter

May 25(Sat)
Time: 9am
Gathering place: Futatsubashi Park (near Seya ward office)
Fee: 200 yen

Futatsubashi park - Nagayamon park - Miyazawa yuueichi
Miyazawa Fureai jurin -Minamidai park - Seya station

にほんブログ村 地域生活(街) 関東ブログ 横浜(市)情報へ


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