
Showing posts from July, 2013

Aloha Yokohama 2013 アロハヨコハマ 2013

I borrowed my husband's camera(Nikon D5200) and took some pictures around Osanbashi, Yamashita park, Red brick warehouse.  We went to see Aloha Yokohama 2013 . As it's prohibited to take photos of Hula dancers and band, I can't convey the atmosphere of the festival. I watched Hula dance and Van's K band on the roof terrace of Osanbashi.  View of Red brick warehouse. We ate Asai bowl and on the roof top. Near the Red brick warehouse, there is exhibition of captured ship of North Korea.

Picture for my father 2013 経堂まつり  東京農大青山ほとり

I watched "Kyodo festival" on July 21 to take pictures of "Aoyama Hotori" (Raddish dance by Tokyo University of Agriculture) for my father. He was born in 1929 and learned at department of agricultural chemistry. He wanted to work at Brazil but he gave up his dream of living overseas when he got  married to my mom.  Now he is too old to go out. 東京農大を卒業した父は、老齢のため外出が不可能になってしまいました。 人物が載っている写真は、サイトになるたけ載せないようにしていますが 父が若くて元気だった頃を思い出して欲しくてアップしました。問題がござい ましたら、削除を致します。

"Mark is" was not so crowded. MARK IS みなとみらい

MARK IS is new shopping mall opened in June 2013.  I visited last Saturday before wathing the movie "Hangover 3".  The place was not so much crowded but we had to wait a little for lunch.  MARK IS Minatomirai is adjacent to Minatomirai station.  You can walk to 109 cinemas MM or Yokohama station.  rooftop garden

Asahi Wind Ensemble Concert / Figure of Franken Weenie

As I had received invitation card of "Asahi wind Ensemble Concert" I went to Sun Heart at Futamatagawa.  Admission fee is free. The atmosphere of concert hall was good.  I was surprised to see one girl sitting front seat began to cry. She was not accustomed to listen to sound at the closest place. After the concert, we had lunch at KOKOICHI.  My husband got "Franken Weenie" at gacha of Don Quijote.

First anniversary of Hara Model Railway Museum 原鉄道模型博物館一周年

In commemoration of first anniversary of Hara Model Railway Museum, admission fee (Adult 1,000 yen) for 1919 people was free.  Museum curator Mr. Shintaro Hara was born in 1919.  For opening ceremony, brass band played music of train. You can not take pictures in the museum. This is electric board outside of museum. Hara Model Railway Museum  is located near Nissan Show room of 109 cinemas Minato Mirai. Open hour: 11am-6pm, Closed on Tuesday. This picture was also taken outside of museum.

Lunch party held by University SNS group

I have joined Sophian's SNS for graduates.  System of SNS is almost same as mixi. (I don't use mixi anymore.) With help of Sophian's SNS,  I have acquainted with many friendly people.  I attended lunch party held exclusively at "La Matier, Kagurazaka". Food was very good. Salad with octopus  Cold corn soup Beef and mashed potate in Cabernet Sauce 

Pajaros de papel スペイン映画ペーパーバード

Terminó telenovela "Eva Luna" de canal TBS2.  Fue la último programa de español. Ahora estoy viendo el pelicula "Pajaros de papel" a canal Imagica. Como no compro revista de Sky Perfect,  no me dí cuenta que ペーパーバード fue la pelicula de España. Pajaros de papel スペイン語を学んだ人にとって、スペイン語のテレビ番組をCS放送で 見る機会が皆無に等しいのは、残念なことだと思います。早朝5時から 放送していたエヴァ・ルナが終了してしまいましたが、最終回は寝過ごして 見逃してしまいました。 イマジカで、ペーパーバードと言うスペイン内戦時のマドリッドを舞台にし た番組が放送されていることを知ったのですが、ペーパーバードと言う タイトルではスペイン語の映画と気がつかなかったです。スカパーで見ら れるスペイン語番組が一つでも増えればと願っています。BSの契約は しておりません。 Takoyaki sería semejante a tapas. たこ焼きはスペイン人も 好きになるのではと思います。

Augusta milk farm 牛と会えるソフトクリームショップ

If you love cow and fresh milk and soft cream,  "Augusta milk farm" might be good place to visit. Mr.Aizawa, who has run Aizawa pasture more than 25 years opened  soft cream shop this year. 3-11-11, Akuwaminami, Seya-ku  横浜市瀬谷区阿久和南3-11- 11 This cow was very friendly.  You can see him at backyard of the shop. Open hour:  10:30am-4pm Closed on Wednesday. Soft cream is around 350 yen. Milk (free refills) 200 yen. You can buy "Hamakko milk" at JA shop in Yokohama.